You Can't Know It All
My book, published in June 2019 by Harper Business, presents the coaching model I have developed to address the challenges of transitioning into new leadership roles and how to combine expertise with growing responsibilities.
Find out where to buy the book now at Harper Business
About the Book
Think for a moment about what gives you a sense of worth and why your company values you. If you are like most leaders, your sense of worth comes from what they know and can do as a result of that knowledge. Your expertise defines a large part of your identity. However, when your organization asks you to lead an area that’s not part of your expertise and there is no time to develop expertise, everything about your leadership is called into question:
What value are you bringing now?
How do you get anything done when you can’t do it yourself?
Why should people listen to you, follow you and trust you?
This book is a how to guide to for each of those questions.

“This is an incredibly important topic and one we don’t pay sufficient attention to. Making the transition from expert to non-expert is often the point at which high-potential careers falter, and we -- the individuals and organizations -- often don’t know why. This book helps us all understand the issues and how to overcome them, to the benefit of everyone.”
— Liz Wallace, former head of talent at Vodafone Emerging Markets
“Dr. Wanda Wallace has packed You Can’t Know It All with practical tools distilled from a command of the research and refined in her coaching work with hundreds of leaders around the world. You Can’t Know It All fills a critical gap for those who aspire to lead and inspire on the big stage.”
— Rob Kaiser, president of Kaiser Learning Solutions; writer, researcher and consultant
“This book is a must-have for careerists looking to advance in today’s global and complex business environment. From adopting the right mind-set to developing key skills, Wanda provides individual contributors and experts proven insights and tools to transition into valued leaders within their respective organizations.”
— Cindy Pace, global head of diversity and inclusion of MetLife

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